Liquity Protocol LUSD / OHM Liquidity Mining Rewards!

The co-incentivized LUSD / OHM Sushiswap pool is now live and will be eligible for liquidity mining rewards over the next 35 days (Oct. 6, 2021 – Nov. 10, 2021). There is $400,000 in combined rewards allocated to the pool.
- Users can mint a Crucible and earn LQTY, OHM, and MIST on their Sushiswap LUSD / OHM LP positions through Alchemist’s Aludel rewards program here.
- Minting a Crucible is an important first step to participating in the rewards program and a guide is available here.
- Users can deposit to the LUSD / OHM Sushiswap pool here.
LUSD reserve bonds (our first collaboration with OlympusDAO) went live on 9/22 and have represented a meaningful portion of Olympus bond volume:
After seeing the significant demand for LUSD bonds, we’re excited to move forward with the second stage of our collaboration with OlympusDAO. This involves the new, co-incentivized LUSD / OHM pool mentioned above and LUSD / OHM LP bonds which are now live.