MASQ Network is integrating Polygon

MASQ Network will integrate with Polygon’s full-stack scaling infrastructure to be the very first ‘decentralized mesh network’ of its kind in the Polygon ecosystem. By using this solution, MASQ can optimize the mesh network monetization model and scale the peer-to-peer network capabilities of MASQ Node software.
MASQ Network is building a censorship-resistant decentralized mesh network, allowing users to connect and route content across the internet without facing geo-blocking and restrictions in the region they are living.
The software approach is one of a kind – utilizing the advantages of both VPN and Tor technology concepts, combining this with the trustless nature and anonymity provided by the blockchain, and producing a leading-edge desktop app that will offer a simple User Experience through the GEMINI (v0.2) feature releases.
The MASQ Network peer-to-peer incentive model needs to operate using fast, efficient and trustless transactions flowing between users, using the MASQ utility token. This model, operating on Ethereum currently, has shown significant limitations with the effect of rising gas-costs and network congestion. By utilizing Polygon for the scaling solution, testing can begin on optimizing the network model, while also allowing users to operate with extremely reduced gas-fees and rapid transaction processing in future software releases.
Polygon was also chosen by popular vote within the MASQ community, in their first governance proposal (Polygon was voted unanimously)
Benefits to MASQ Network Users
Users of the next software release will of course enjoy the choice of Polygon Network in the GEMINI software when they first set up their MASQ Node.
Choosing Polygon Network provides the user with greatly reduced gas-fees, and fast transaction times – all secured on top of the security provided by Ethereum’s consensus model by way of checkpoints on-chain.
In addition, there won’t be the risk of blockchain network congestion and users experiencing poor performance, since Polygon can operate at speeds of up to 7000 transactions per second.
About MASQ Network
MASQ Network is building a censorship-resistance mesh network, allowing all global netizens access to internet content, regardless of where they live. In addition, MASQ software will offer superior privacy features and combines all the benefits of VPN and Tor technology without many of the disadvantages of those tools.
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