Now users can easily purchase $OLIVE on the Avalanche network using Rubic Cross-Chain

Today Rubic is excited to announce that users of Olive.Cash will be able to buy $OLIVE through Rubic Cross-Chain Routing and get GAS refunded. Refund campaign would be active from Oct, 19 to Nov,2. Users will be able to get Refunds after the end of the campaign.
With the launch of Cross-Chain Routing on Avalanche, Rubic has expanded its cross-chain ecosystem. From now on, any project on Avalanche will be able to have their tokens purchased using any tokens on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon and of course Avalanche.
What is Olive.Cash?
Olive.Cash is a next generation yield farm with cross chaining opportunities. Platform allows users to earn $Olive be staking Single and LP tokens following modern farming UI/UX
As a part of the integration of Olive.Cash into the Rubic ecosystem, we will provide a full gas reimbursement for users who will buy $OLIVE using Rubic’s Cross-Chain Routing feature.
Purchase $OLIVE with any token using Cross-Chain Routing on
Rubic.exchangeThis event will be available for users who completed transactions more than or equal to $200 RBC worth.
Start date: Tuesday, October 19th, 2021
End date: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021
The refund will be completed after November the 2nd with a claim contract and gas will be reimbursed in the form of $BRBC.
About Rubic and
Rubic is a multi-chain protocol, with instant & cross-chain swaps for Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Harmony, Tron & xDai, limit orders, fiat on-ramps and more! The aim of the project is to deliver a complete One Stop, Full Circle decentralized trading platform. is a place where users can complete cross-chain swaps using different solutions to get the best rates from all leading trading protocols.