A guide to farming with Ice Age Finance

Ice Age Finance has carefully designed a small ecosystem of tokens to bring value safely and effectively to the holders. However, to farm correctly, one should first understand how the farming model is designed.
The Roadmap for Ice Age Farming:
Stage 1: The Re-Distribution of SFI.
SFI was launched in February of 2021, it was named the first shitcoin in the Avalanche Ecosystem. THE entire supply was minted at launch and put into liquidity or burned. Considering no more SFI can be minted, a new token will need to be used to provide sustainable rewards. However, the dev team accumulated a portion of SFI and will distribute the remaining SFI to the holders over a 4–6 week farming period. After that period ends, NO MORE SFI WILL EVER BE DISTIBUTED. Over time, the supply will only decrease.
Stage 2: The Launch of their New Farming Token
The new farming token will be an inflationary token that is used for sustainable farming rewards for SFI, SL3 and other potential tokens. Value that is generated by Ice Age (Ex: NFT Revenue) will be injected into the farming token liquidity and then fairly distributed to the SFI and SL3 farmers! SFI and SL3 hodlers will be able to safely farm throughout the crypto winter as the supply deflates and serious development is under way.
Tokenomics review:
For deep detail tokenomics check out our other medium post
$SFI- (Sled)
Total Supply: 10,000,000 SFI (627,600 Burned)
All transactions receive a 2% tax, that is immediately distributed to all SFI holders.
$SL3- (Mammoth)
Total Supply: 5,000 SL3 (2,591 Burned)
1 token max per transaction
All transactions receive a 5% tax, in which 2% is reflected to all holders and 3% is locked into liquidity permanently.
To be a farmer: benefits and drawbacks
The farmer must always consider the rewards versus the risk or cost. Although they have designed their tokens to mitigate as much risk as possible, risk is still involved. In addition, the SL3 and SFI token contracts impose taxes on all transfers and transactions (which are burned and reflected to holders only, nothing goes to developers or marketing). These taxes are also imposed when staking and adding liquidity (but not when staking PGL, because that’s a different token). In correspondence with this, they ask everyone to understand that the SFI distribution contracts will only last 4–6 weeks until migrating to new contracts for the new farming token.
Benefits of Staking/Farming:
· Earn some SFI before it never gets distributed again and becomes a value absorber ONLY
· Earn long term consistent passive income throughout the crypto winter
· Participate in future promotions and incentives for staking (Ex: NFT drops airdrops)
To be a Hodler: Benefits and drawbacks
Not everyone needs to stake or farm. If you want to avoid impermanent loss or transaction taxes, then SFI and SL3 were STILL designed JUST for you! SFI and SL3 receive 2% reflections to all holders from all transactions and transfers. Just HODL.
Abou IceAge Finance
Ice Age Finance has carefully designed a small ecosystem of tokens to bring value safely and effectively to the holders.