ONTO Wallet And CafeSwap Liquidity Mining Campaign

CafeSwap is back again for a liquidity mining campaign! Simply use ONTO to provide liquidity in CafeSwap’s ONT-MATIC pool to earn pBREW rewards. Then, stake your earnings to earn ONT!
ONT-MATIC Liquidity Pool
From November 4th (9:00 UTC), CafeSwap (Polygon) will set up a ONT-MATIC liquidity pair over a three month period.
Provide liquidity in the pool to start earning pBREW. The total rewards over three months equal over $50,000 (625,000 pBREW).
ONG Bonus
In addition to staking rewards, ONTO has prepared a special bonus. The period lasts for one week, starting Nov. 4th (9:00 UTC).
The first 150 users to stake a minimum of $15 of ONT/MATIC ($7.5 ONT + $7.5 MATIC) on CafeSwap (Polygon version) via ONTO Wallet and hold them until the end of the event can win 10 ONG each.
We’re also giving participants of the ONT-MATIC liquidity mining pool the chance to enter a lottery to win ONG rewards!
By staking at least $15 of ONT/MATIC on CafeSwap (Polygon version) via ONTO Wallet, users will also be entered into a lottery
ONG worth $20 will each be awarded to 25 winners!
Stake pBREW, Earn ONT
In addition to the ONT-MATIC liquidity pool, CafeSwap is also setting up an ONT staking pool.
After mining some pBREW, you can stake your tokens to earn a share of ONT worth $20,000.
The staking pool goes live on November 4th (9:00 UTC).
About CafeSwap
CafeSwap is a yield farming and staking platform on BSC Chain. We have chosen BSC because of its low tnx fees and faster speed. We have built this project to provide the best experience with farming while regulating the supply. We believe in partnerships hence we aim to bring all BSC DeFi ecosystems in one place to have a friendly ecosystem for all of us.
About ONTO Wallet
ONTO is the first truly decentralized, cross-chain wallet, allowing users to securely manage their identities, data, and digital assets. ONTO users can manage their crypto assets (including NFTs), perform cross-chain swaps, keep up-to-date with the latest industry latest developments and events via the ONTO news feed, and enjoy access to a variety of dApps.