Omni Consumer Protocols OmniVAULT For Linear Finance

Stake assets in native-token compounding farms. Yield-Mint USDO stablecoins backed by yield generating deposit.
Presenting the latest addition to OmniVAULT yield minting – $LINA vaults.
By leveraging existing OmniSTEAKS farms, this new strategy on OmniVAULT is able to offer the same compound staking APY whilst allowing for Yield Minting $USDO stablecoins.

> $LINA Vault
Utilizes LINA staking on OmniFARMS:
Yield accelerated by auto-collecting rewards, compounding users initial farm deposit.
Getting started
Connect wallet.
2:Create Zap Contract.
This will manage users personal compounding vaults on the platform.
For this guide will deposit full balance. Click [MAX] then [SUPPLY].
Deposited LINA is earning APY, compounding.
4:Mint USDO
Drag slider to desired amount.
Will mint half available or demonstration but can go as high as 90% – (Platform adds this 10% buffer to protect against liquidation.)
5: Profit!
Minted USDO can be traded for other major stables, staked in a number of farms, perhaps even swapped for more LINA to manually leverage your already compounding vault.
To unstake, simply reverse the steps. Repay minted $USDO and your deposited LINA is free to withdraw.
About Omni Consumer Protocols
Omni Consumer Protocols (OCP) is mega-corporation with divisions affecting nearly every level of consumer need, society, and government.