Upcoming Yooshi Farm 2.0!

To better serve the Gamefi projects incubated by YooShi, YooShi Farms function module will have a fully new upgrade.
After upgrading, users can use the Genesis NFT of the corresponding project to accelerate their LP and increase their income.
Available Farms Rewards = rewards amounts of per unit block * [number of staked LP * (1 + sum of staked NFT mining power / 1000)] / current total staked mining power
· Each LP can stake up to 5 Genesis NFTs
· When withdrawing LP, a certain transaction fee will be charged according to the staking time, and then will be transferred to the Community Treasury, the specific value is as follows:
As the output of the following mining pools is coming to an end, no new mining incentives will be injected into the pools.
· DXCT/BUSD 1.0 Farm Pool
· DXCT NFT Mining Pool
· SMON NFT Mining Pool
At the same time, the following LPs will be added in YooShi Farm 2.0:
• DXCT/BUSD 2.0 earn DXCT (with NFT as acceleration function, which can stake Genesis Gem to accelerate)
• SMON/BUSD 2.0 earn SMON (with NFT acceleration function, which can stake Genesis Badge to accelerate)
About Yooshi
Decentralized Meme Token that Grow Into YooShi’s Metaverse.
YooShi Metaverse = NFTs + GameFi Launchpad + YooShi IP Creative + Charity.