AutoFarm Network AutoSwap is Now Aggregating Liquidity From Cronos
Autofarm are exhilarated to announce AutoSwap is now aggregating liquidity from Cronos!
Cronos is the 4th blockchain AutoSwap has integrated with; in addition to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon and Avalanche. At launch, liquidity will be aggregated from Cronos DEXes: Cronaswap, Crodex and VVS Finance with 43 tokens supported! Users will no longer need to toggle between platforms to swap Cronos assets as AutoSwap detects the best swap rates by splitting trades
As one of the newest blockchain networks to grace the cryptosphere, the launched blockchain is well positioned for explosive growth that Autofarm is ready to capture and add value to. As the Cronos ecosystem continues to grow, users can expect more vaults and DEXes to be supported for liquidity aggregation on AutoSwap which acts as a one-stop platform that consolidates all liquidity across the various Cronos DEXes. Swapping tokens on Cronos will become even cheaper, more seamless and convenient for every DeFi user.
The AutoSwap Advantage
- Convenience (aggregates liquidity from multiple DEXes)
- Lowest slippage possible
- Intelligent routing algorithm (transparently displayed on UI)
- Better swap rates than using the individual DEX directly
- No additional fees for using AutoSwap
In our vision for AutoSwap to be the go-to DEX aggregator, we are committed to rapidly expanding EVM chain support for AutoSwap with even more EVM chains in the pipeline.
About AutoFarm
Autofarm is a cross-chain yield aggregator that enables users to get optimal return on their assets from yield farming pools by staking in Autofarm vaults. With a yield optimizer, DEX and farmfolio as part of their ecosystem, Their DApp is designed to optimize DeFi users’ yields as they interact with other DApps in the DeFi space.