Meland Staking Details Revealed

Staking in Meland is designed for the whole ecosystem of the project. It’s deeply integrated with the game, is a way for the platform to reward its community members for having a long term mindset and locking up their MELD tokens.
In short, Staking $MELD will reward you with tokens and improve the gaming experience. It’s a combination of Staking and Tier systems in gaming.
Meland balances the gaming experience, tokenomics, and players/creators’ rewards. The reward will be different throughout different phases of the game.
- Challenging Quizzes: Each time you answer it correctly, you earn Ditamin
- Land Farming: Each Land you occupy will generate Ditamin every hour
- Ditamin can exchange $MELD in the game
During the staking, your tokens will be locked, and you can claim your MELD by clicking the CLAIM button when it meets the end time.
ABOUT Meland is the first Learn-to-Earn decentralized platform where players can challenge quizzes, etc.