Fantom Oasis Has Joined The Dark Knights
Fantom Oasis Has joined the Dark Knights dark side today.
Farms for FTMO — FTM LP to earn $dKNIGHT
Raid Pools $dKNIGHT → $FTMO
How To Buy & Farm With Your FTMO — FTM LP
Navigate to the DARK KNIGHT website to purchase some $FTMO.
Direct link posted below
Make sure your wallet is connected first & you can search for $FTMO and it should auto-populate.
If not you may need to enter in the contract address for $FTMO
Click $FTMO to add it to the transaction box.
Using your FTM you can purchase $FTMO
If you have trouble with purchasing the price may be moving too quickly and you may need to adjust your slippage.
You can adjust the slippage by the gear icon.
Remember you will need an equal amount of $FTM & $FTMO to make your LP & you will need to leave some $FTM for gas for your transactions.
When you are happy with your amount press “Swap”
Double check everything is good then hit “Confirm Swap” & pay the gas fee
Remember you’ll need an equal amount of FTM & $FTMO to make the LP & extra FTM for gas!
Add Your LP
This will be the direct link for adding FTMO FTM LP (there may be a delay for $FTMO to load into the screen give it some time, you can always do this manually by inputting the contract address)
You need an equal amount of FTM + FTMO to make the pair
Press “Approve FTMO” you may need to wait for the screen to change to “Supply” or refresh the page after a bit
Press “Supply” & then “Confirm Supply” if everything looks good.
Once that final transaction is successful you’ll be able to see your LP tokens that you created at the bottom of the screen.
Bring LP to the “Farms” tab
Here is the direct link
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on FTMO FTM LP
Hit “Approve Contract.” Once the approve goes through your menu will change to having “Stake” Press that to add your LP & start watching your $dKNIGHT stack up!
- “+” Adds more LP (this will appear after you stake some LP in)
- “-” Take LP out (this will appear after you stake some LP in)
- “Harvest” Claim the $dKNIGHT you have earned into your wallet
dKNIGHT → FTMO Raid Pool
Dark Knights! You can now put your $dKNIGHT tokens to use in the RAID Pool to earn $FTMO
Head to the Raids tab if you are doing this from the main menu
You’ll need to first “Approve dKNIGHT”
- The “+” button allows you to stake your $dKNIGHT
- “Unstake dKnight” takes the $dKNIGHT out of the pool & back to your wallet
- “Harvest” — claims the partner token ($FLORY) to your wallet
When a Pool is just launched you can check the Details tab and you will see a end countdown. This is when the rewards for a pool will start when that block time is at 0. Once it ends the true time for the duration of the pool will begin.