Testnet Dogeon Game Update

Now the Testnet Dogeon Game come with latest update. They have more fascinating updates on the next versions. Stay tuned!
New Updates:
– Allow login with QRCode Text or via email/password.
– Stop debug log.
– Change background on Marketplace.
– Improve the performance when access the Marketplace.
– Adjust price of Dogeon Cards so that new player can buy it easily.
Download to explore the new version of Testnet Dogeon Game by following these links below:
Apk android: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZlnlK8J8spr7sec09tx2Q9hDS4QxHx1-/view
For iOS, fill this form:
About Dogeon
Dogeon is a Gaming NFT project on Avalanche. it’s our first DOG RACING Play-to-Earn game, which makes it all worth while!