Genesis Shard Onboards The Harmony Launcher Incubation Program

As a part of the Harmony Launcher Incubation Program, the platform are extremely proud to announce Genesis Shard, a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot, with a predetermined aim on redefining NFTs as De-Fi options, as their first Incubation partner.
Since inception, Harmony Launcher’s primary focus has been set towards building foundational relationships that would serve and support harmony blockchain based projects which incubate and nourish on its platform, before, during and after a successful launch.
This partnership with Genesis Shard would boost Harmony Launcher’s potential to another level as Genesis Shard would be providing valuable business strategy, design inputs and sourcing strong alliances to increase the capability of those projects who opt. to launch with Harmony Launcher.
“ We are extremely glad to onboard Genesis Shard as our first Incubation Partner, and we look forward into having a fruitful partnership that would enhance both Harmony Launcher and the Projects that would be incubating on us. ” —Mr. Harshad, CEO of Harmony Launcher.
ABOUT Genesis Shards
Genesis Shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot redefining NFTs as De-Fi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. By wrapping time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs, Genesis Shards is creating a new marketplace for previously illiquid tokens.
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ABOUT Harmony Launcher
Harmony Launcher is the world’s first decentralized IGO + IDO Launchpad & Incubator with an integrated AMM DEX built on the harmony Blockchain who’s focus would be on incubating and providing all the fundamental and necessary grounds for start-ups and projects based on the harmony network to build, raise funds & launch successfully.
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