MixBytes Announced The Launch Of LidoFinance Liquid Staking For Kusama On Moonriver

All protocol contracts are audited by a separate MixBytes auditing team. See report here. Audit from another firm will be concluded and posted within a couple of weeks.
- Leverage defi by receiving LP rewards and using their liquid tokens as collateral
- Liquidate(sell) their tokens without the delay of the unbonding period
- Maximize their staking rewards as Lido protocol will dynamically reallocate stakes to validator nodes with the most profitable
- Minimize the risk of slashing events
Launch stages plan
- The stake cap for this stage will be applied at 10k KSM or approximately 1.6M USD
- Reward oracles will be maintained by the MixBytes dev team
- Launch of defi pools with incentives
- Best APR to stakers net of validator’s fees
- No slashing events
- Stable fee rate
- Nominations enabled by the node
- Uncapped stake
- Uncapped # of validator nodes
- Launch of decentralized reward oracles
- Development of a predictive model to increase APR even more
- Node fee is 0% then total Lido user APR = Node APR * (1-10%Lido fee)
- Node fee is 20% then total Lido user APR = Node APR * (1-20%NodeFee)*(1-10%Lido fee)
Optimized net APR to lido user expected to be > than “uninformed” average staking APR (see simulation)
APR reward simulation
- Lido protocol fee is 10% of net staker rewards
- A stake allocated per node is 1000 KSM (200000 USD)
- Overall stake in the Lido protocol is 100000 KSM (20000000 USD)
- # Of Validator nodes selected by Lido protocol is 100
For average “uninformed” staking
- A stake of 100000 KSM (52200 USD) equal to Lido simulation allocated to all validator nodes in the active set excluding nodes with 100% fee (766 nodes).
- Lido APR – 18.15%
- Uniformed staking APR – 10.63%
10000 KSM total stake (test cap):
- Lido APR – 19.69%
- Uniformed staking APR – 10.64%
See all nodes performance rated here
Risks of centralization
About MixBytes
MixBytes is a team of engineers, auditors and analysts, experienced in decentralized systems and blockchain technology. We design and implement customized solutions based on well-known blockchains and frameworks: Ethereum\Polkadot\EOS
About Lido
Lido is a liquid staking solution for ETH 2.0 backed by a number of the industries leading blockchain staking providers. Lido allows users to stake any amount of ETH without the need to maintain complex infrastructure, while letting users unstake at any time through secondary markets.