Tarot BoostMaxx

Tarot’s new BoostMaxx pools are the fastest and simplest way to earn boosted SOLID rewards on Solidly.
Tarot Finance are thrilled to introduce Tarot BoostMaxx pools. Deposited Solidly LP in these pools will earn boosted SOLID rewards.
Simply deposit your Solidly vAMM/sAMM LP tokens in BoostMaxx pools to earn boosted SOLID rewards. Our pools work with any Solidly gauge, not just the vAMM-WFTM/TAROT pair, so feel free to deposit LP tokens for any pair on Solidly. The boosting power comes from our veNFT, so you don’t need to worry about locking SOLID yourself.
How To Earn Boosted SOLID
Deposit LP into a Solidly pool (without staking in the Solidly gauge), and then stake your Solidly LP tokens in our BoostMaxx pools to earn boosted SOLID rewards:
- Navigate to solidly.exchange/liquidity to add liquidity to the pool of your choice. You can filter the list for a specific token and click Manage, or click Add Liquidity to select the tokens and pool type (Stable or Variable) yourself.
- Click Advanced to reveal the Deposit LP button.
- Enter the amounts and click Deposit LP to add liquidity to Solidly.
You’ll receive pooled Solidly LP tokens which can be deposited in our BoostMaxx pools to earn boosted SOLID rewards.
Reward Allocation
Deposited LP will receive up to the maximum 2.5x boost on SOLID emissions. From these SOLID rewards, after deducting the BoostMaxxer’s 15% fee on earned gauge rewards, you’ll earn up to 212.5% more SOLID through our BoostMaxx pools, rather than going it alone.
These fees, along with bribes earned, are directed to Tarot’s protocol reserves, where the strategy for their use will be determined by protocol governance. Potential uses of these fees may include locking SOLID for additional veNFT voting power, xTAROT distribution through Tarot’s fee distribution interlink, or a SOLID xStaking pool for xTAROT stakers.
Solidly emissions start on February 24, 2022 at 00:00 GMT. When you deposit Solidly LP in BoostMaxx pools, you will immediately start earning boosted SOLID rewards when Solidly emissions begin.
BoostMaxx Pools:
• https://www.tarot.to/boost
You can add liquidity to the Solidly pools by visiting this link and clicking on Manage next to the pool:
• https://solidly.exchange/liquidity
About Tarot
Tarot is a decentralized lending protocol on Fantom Opera where users can participate as lenders or borrowers in isolated lending pools.