Nosana’s Incentivized Testnet Went Live
The Testnet program is designed to put Nosana’s CI features and tools to the test before they go live on Mainnet. Open-source software projects are incentivized based on their Nosana network usage.
In other words, users will receive tokens for running free pipelines. Selected projects will automatically receive 500 $NOS tokens for joining the Testnet. They can earn up to 10.000 $NOS tokens by testing code with the Nosana Network.
Nosana pipelines will start with basic support for ESLint checks. More features and supported languages will be added and based on community feedback received in Nosana Discord server. Testnet tokens can only be used to run Nosana pipelines, and will convert to mainnet tokens after we launch our mainnet product.
Complete guide and step by step on how to start with Nosana Testnet can be found here.
ABOUT Nosana
The Nosana Network will be the leading provider of decentralized CPU-based Dev(Ops) solutions, revolutionizing the development process of Metaverse projects.