Welcome the new AVAX $PERA. Get ready Migration begins

What does migration mean for PERA?
Pera Finance is always trying to implement new features to improve the user experience and contribute to the DeFi space. To make a fresh start, and migrate to Avalanche with a face-lift.
This process includes a branding do-over and a new, more sustainable token economics.
The NewPera will manage the incentive rewards and their distribution via the treasury, by a governance structure. Users will be given voting rights in proportion to their staked $PERA amount. The migration is the first step in the expansion of their protocol in the DeFi space.
How would the migration proceed?
The migration will occur periodically;
The migration contract after deployment will be active for 3 weeks. Our investors are incentivized to migrate in the first week. If not staked in the contract within the first 3 weeks, users would have to wait for a new migration contract, the date and the duration of the additional contract will be decided and announced after the first migration contract is removed.
There will be no limitations to migrate; everyone can stake their tokens in the contract effortlessly.
Avalanche Consensus protocols combine the Nakatomo consensus and classical consensus to aid mass adoption of the protocol. Avalanche consensus is robust, scalable, decentralized, and energy-efficient while having quick finality times.
Avalanche has native support for easily creating and trading digital smart assets. Allowing anyone to create their tailor-made application-specific blockchains, supporting multiple custom virtual machines.
New colors, new protocol, new token economics
The initial price of the new Avalanche $PERA token is set to be $0.1 at the TGE. This would create arbitrage opportunities for users to benefit from the current price, being aware we have taken the necessary measures to not affect our users negatively.
This way, upon completion of the migration, you will be able to claim the same amount of $PERA on the Avalanche side.
You can view the vesting schedule in the breakdown section. So, new users can invest without any questions, and the same terms apply as if it’s a new public token sale. Investors can benefit from the opportunities TGE brings.
Old token holders will be able to start fresh without worrying about the previous issues faced. While the team develops new use cases and captures more TVL.
Supply Breakdown & Vesting Schedule:
Refer to this spreadsheet to view the token economics in detail
Migration Incentives
Today, the migration contract will be deployed to the mainnet, and everyone staking their tokens on the migration contract will be able to move them safely to Avalanche, while receiving additional tokens, as migration incentives, on the other side.
Holders choosing to stake their tokens in the migration contract will receive a %10 additional $PERA tokens for their contribution.
LPs on the other hand, choosing to stake their LP tokens in the migration contract will receive a %15 additional $PERA tokens for their contribution, and to compensate for their impermanent loss.
The contract will automatically remove your liquidity on PancakeSwap, your retrieved $PERA will be migrated to Avalanche, and the $BNB’s will be sent back to your wallets. If desired, users can use their refunded $BNBs to buy BSC $PERA and stake them in the migration contract for additional incentives.
Migration Walkthrough
To migrate your old Binance Smart Chain $PERA tokens to Avalanche all you need to do is follow this step-by-step guide.
If your liquidity is in a centralized exchange you are not required to do anything since they will be handling the process.
About PERA Finance
Pera Finance is the first DEX optimizer, designed to secure and boost long-term trading volume, improving the capital efficiency for the entire DeFi space. Pera Finance is a service provider offering decentralized trading competitions with customizable parameters, and adjustable swap farming tools to manage protocols’ liquidity while improving user experience. Pera Finance aims to become DeFi’s most sustainable protocol by introducing innovative volume-boosting tools to the DeFi space and improving the user experience.