Creditcoin x Flow Partnership

Creditcoin integrates Flow to expand the OpenFi Ecosystem
The Creditcoin Foundation is committed to building a better future for finance, based on the principles of openness, transparency and accessibility for all — the cornerstones of the Creditcoin Ecosystem. But we can’t do it alone.
As part of that vision, they see the emergence of NFTs as an crucial asset class here to stay, with hundreds of possible and as-of-yet unexplored use-cases. Several financial products are already evolving around the usage of NFTs as a core technology — for instance, NFT-collateralized credit systems or NFT investment DAOs. As more assets such as property rights etc. become tokenized in the digital economy of the future, the importance of NFTs will only grow as the industry continues to mature.
That’s why they’re excited to announce that Creditcoin is now leveraging Flow to help realize its shared vision for a more inclusive global economy.
By building on Flow, the Creditcoin ecosystem will be connected to Flow’s vibrant and ever-growing NFT ecosystem. By tapping into this market, Creditcoin will provide a foundation to build on moving forwards, enabling credit-based NFT transactions and tying NFTs to the OpenFi ecosystem. Flow is an industry-leader in energy efficiency as a proof-of-stake blockchain, and its multi-node architecture allows for easy scalability, wide accessibility, and uncompromising security. By integrating with Flow, which places a great emphasis on sustainability, we are bringing Creditcoin and OpenFi one step closer to being a fundamental cornerstone of tomorrow’s fairer global economy.
About Flow
Flow is the blockchain designed to be the foundation of Web3 and the open metaverse, supporting consumer-scale decentralized applications, NFTs, DeFi, DAOs, and more.
About Creditcoin
Creditcoin is a foundational L1 blockchain designed to match and record credit transactions, creating a public ledger of credit history and loan performance and paving the way for a new generation of interoperable cross-chain credit markets.