GamesPad Joined The Blockchain Game Alliance
Holistic gaming, NFT and metaverse ecosystem GamesPad strengthens the future of blockchain technology by joining The Blockchain Game Alliance.
Bringing together the best and brightest of the crypto-gaming industry together, Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) aims to raise awareness around the transformative innovations that blockchain technology can present.
GamesPad is excited to join and continue to grow the alliance in hopes of further disrupting the traditional business practices.
With promising futures and strong foundational industry support, these companies – GamesPad and BGA – will work together to continue to evolve individual and businesses awareness about how blockchain can transform games and improve or disrupt existing business areas.
They will also accelerate adoption by acting on existing barriers to innovation and by catalyzing efforts into creating actionable industry standards and best practices.
About GamesPad
GamesPad is the ultimate gaming, NFT, and the metaverse ecosystem. Establishing a holistic approach and bringing together a decentralized VC, multichain launchpad, game incubator, NFT aggregator, and marketplace. GamesPad is set to revolutionize the GameFi industry with its mission to incubate game entrepreneurs through its comprehensive ecosystem while offering mentorship, advisory, and network connections in the gaming and crypto space. This highly knowledgeable team aims to help the most impactful crypto gaming projects raise funds, build communities, and provide the opportunity for retail buyers to invest in the deals on equal terms with VCs.
About Blockchain Game Alliance
The Blockchain Game Alliance is an organization committed to promoting blockchain within the gaming industry. BGA’s goal is to spread awareness around the technology and foster new ideas that create, publish, play, and build strong communities around games. As well as provide an open forum for individuals and companies to share knowledge collaborate and network.