Unicrypt Has Introduce The Staking Phase 2

UniCrypt Staking Phase 2 start date:
• Saturday 9TH, April 2022–18:55PM UTC
What are the community rewards?
- $USDC: Emission rate $150’000 per month split into the staking tiers
- $UNCL: Emission rate ~$150’000 (pending $UNCL value changes) per month split into the staking tiers
Staking tiers and reward splitting amongst tiers remain unchanged
- Tier 1️⃣ stakers (100+ $UNCX) get 50% of the rewards
- Tier 2️⃣ stakers (20–100 $UNCX) get 30% of the rewards
- Tier 3️⃣stakers (3–20 $UNCX) get 20% of the rewards
How to stake $UNCX?
This documentation section will guide you step-by-step.
$UNCX Staking: https://app.unicrypt.network/uncx-staking
Make sure to subscribe to reward pools after entering the $UNCX staking pool corresponding to your tier. You will not be able to farm rewards if not subscribed.
How to buy $UNCX?
You can find all our pairs here. For the sake of simplicity, we recommend buying directly from our UniSwap V2 liquidity pool. Once you get your hands on tokens, please refer to the ‘How to stake $UNCX’ part and make sure to subscribe to reward pools.
About Unicrypt
Unicrypt provides 5 main services plus several sub-features making it a 1 stop shop with everything you need to launch a project, purchase tokens from our launchpad, simply stake your tokens, create a farm, and so on.