Rubic Integration of the Celer Inter-Chain

Integration of the Celer Inter-chain Message Framework into Rubic’s Protocol.
Rubic Integration of the Celer Inter-ChainDue to the Celer Inter-chain Message Framework, their users will be able to swap their assets in the most cost-efficient way!
The implementation of Celer IM will greatly increase the maximum trade amounts for swaps at It’ll also open even more opportunities for their multi-chain expansions in the future!
About Celer Network
Celer is a multi-chain operating system that allows application logic, liquidity, and states — normally segregated across different chains — to communicate with one another, and enables seamless cross-chain composability for dApp developers and projects. The Celer IM framework creates a new way for multi-chain dApps to operate in conjunction with each other. Current multi-chain dApps typically deploy isolated copies of their underlying smart contracts
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About Rubic
Rubic is the Multi-Chain Swap Protocol which allows you to swap any of our 15,000+ assets, on and between 12 blockchains, in one click. Rubic’s Multi-Chain Routing Protocol includes On-Chain & Multi-Chain swaps for Ethereum, BNB Chain, Telos, Polygon, Avalanche, Moonriver, Fantom, Harmony, Solana, Arbitrum, Aurora, and NEAR; with seamless fiat on-ramps and more!
Rubic’s aim is to deliver a complete “One-Stop, Full-Circle’’ decentralized trading platform.
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