Alpaca Automated Vault Strategy

The senior alpacas know there are many GeniusPacas living amongst in the Herd. In fact, many of them have provided with valuable feedback which they’ve used to improve the protocol and they’re grateful for.That’s why today, they are excited to announce a new program that’ll allow you to put your financial knowledge to good use, and will also benefit you and the rest of the Herd; introducing the Alpaca Automated Vault Strategy Community Program!
Program details
As you might know, the senior alpacas have developed two strategies so far for Automated Vaults: Market Neutral and Savings. Still, they would like to expand the number of strategy types in the platform.
While the internal team is working on several ideas in the pipeline, instead of just a small group of people coming up with ideas, this program aims to crowdsource other potentially profitable leveraged yield farming strategies that can be codified and turned into Automated Vault Strategies! So, if you have great yield farming ideas or have profitably executed an uncommon strategy in the past, here is your chance to share it with the Herd, and earn profit sharing if it’s something we can use!
What should be included in your submission
While they do not have a set format on what needs to be submitted for consideration, below are some items we recommend you include as they will greatly help them evaluate the feasibility of your strategy:
- Brief explanation of your strategy
- Economic/mathematical rationale behind your strategy
- Code/pseudo-code/spreadsheet calculation explaining how the strategy would work
- Backtest results including key performance metrics such as APR%, drawdown, Sharpe Ratio, etc.
- Limitations of the strategy (e.g. max capacity, which assets it will work on, necessary market conditions, etc.)
Evaluation criteria
We’ll evaluate your proposed strategies based on the following dimensions:
- Risks/Security: various risks associated with the strategy such as liquidation, etc.
- Economic Feasibility: how profitable the strategy is, how robust it is accross market conditions, as well as how much TVL the strategy can support.
- Development Effort: effort required to develop and maintain the strategy.
Profit sharing for strategy creator
To reward the creators, successful strategies will get revenue sharing from the vault. Specifically, creators will receive 0.5% management fee of all AV instances using the strategy. So, you stand to profit substantially if your strategy proves successful and attracts a lot TVL. Meanwhile, all tasks of operations, maintenance, and promotions of the strategy will be handled by the Alpaca Finance team.
About Alpaca Finance
Alpaca Finance is the largest lending and savings platform providing high-yield, capital efficient products on BNB Chain, and recently launched on Fantom. Alpaca helps lenders earn safe and stable yields, and offers borrowers undercollateralized loans for leveraged yield farming positions, vastly multiplying their farming principals and resulting profits. Furthermore, Alpaca allows users to take out traditional DeFi loans by minting the stablecoin AUSD, and to invest in hedge-fund-level automated strategies.