Jetswap Mega Farm Update

Jetswap Mega Farm Update and GFORCE Migration
Jetswap Mega Farm Update. Today is the day Jetswap reallocate the WINGS, PWINGS, and FWINGS emissions. By retiring low TVL and volume pairs, They’ll be allocating the bulk of the rewards back to the most active and important LPs and most importantly, their native WINGS tokens!
You may find your staked LPs on the “Finished” tab on the respective Farms page if you have an LP in a retired farm and would like to withdraw it.
What’s next for Jetswap?
Their team is going to work hard to bring more juicy and high-yielding farms and Pools to Jetswap! The business development team is in contact with a number of high-quality projects.
GFORCE Migration Comes to an End
The GFORCE v1 to v2 migration ends on June 29th so be sure to convert your GFCE v1 to v2! Any nonconverted GFORCE v1 will be forever v1. You can convert at Gforce.
There are only ~50,000 GFCE left to convert! Keep your eyes on our socials for some fun upcoming GFORCE events and prize pools!
GFORCE V1 Contract: 0x94BaBBE728D9411612Ee41b20241a6FA251b26Ce
GFORCE V2 Contract: 0x5f136383E230F972739FaE2E81E7E774AfE64c66
Jetswap Farm Updates
Jetswap on BNB Chain, Fantom, and Polygon just went through a major update in the farms.
WINGS LPs now receive 24% more emissions, PWINGS LPs 7.42%, and FWINGS LPs earn 13% more emissions.
Can’t find your LP or farm?
Simply click on the “Finished” button on the farms page if you have assets in a retired farm and would like to withdraw.
BNB Jetswap Updates
Retired Farm
Add/Remove liquidity
Polygon Jetswap Updates
Retired Farm
Add/Remove liquidity
Fantom Jetswap Updates
Retired Farm
Add/Remove liquidity
About Jetswap
Jetswap is a decentralized Automated Market Maker (AMM) on Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, & Polygon with low fees and instant trade execution. Trade from the comfort of your own wallet!