RigelProtocol Strategic Partnership With EasyFi

Strategic partnership
RigelProtocol strategic partnership with EasyFi. This partnership comes at “ a time in which they see fears in the crypto space and chaos within the defi ecosystem. For them, they believe this is the right time to incentivize our loyal community and holders as they stand strong to launch innovative products in line with the next bullish season.”
Moreover, The collaboration with EasyFi starts off with a 90 Days Blend staking pool of the Native Token RGPs with an ROI of 48% on the Binance Smart Chain Network.
Staking Details on EasyFi
Network : Binance Smart Chain
Max. Duration : 90 Days
Lock-in Period : 30 Days
Fixed APR : 48%
Maximum Pool Size : 800,000 RGP Tokens
Token Unlocking after 30 days
Lastly, After 30 days, RGP Deposits & Rewards will be unlocked proportionately per Block on BSC till the 90th Day. Users will be able to withdraw both the deposit & rewards so released per-block basis on BSC as and when they get unlocked.
About EasyFi
EasyFi Network is a universal layer-2 multi-chain money market protocol for digital assets with a focus on liquidity sourcing & capital efficiency for structured lending in a non-custodial manner. The Protocol is currently live on Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, and Ethereum.
About Rigel Protocol
Rigel Protocol the blockchain Decentralized protocol for all your Defi Needs. A protocol built to improve and touch up existing Decentralized Finance (DeFi) features. While introducing several innovative DeFi products to propel scalability, security in the Blockchain, user experience, and adoption. At Rigelprotocol, they are focus on building Dapps with the best user experience at low fees.
Several DeFi products featured are smartswap operations, automated dexes trading, Liquidity mining, Launchpad & Product Token offering services, Influencers & New projects rewarding systems, and other innovative features.
Learn more about Rigel Protocol