Xscan Partners with LedgerMail
Xscan Partners with LedgerMail, so users may use Xscan to validate transactions and gain valuable information.
Xscan Partners with LedgerMail, LedgerMail enables users to conduct blockchain-based wallet-to-wallet email transactions in which the transaction hash of each email transmission is kept on a public blockchain network’s immutable ledger.
A single touch will take users to Xscan. Using customised decoding, Xscan provides all necessary information in a human-readable format, you can see Transaction Status, Block Height, Blockchain Network, Timestamp, Sender/Recipient wallet ID, Transaction Fees, and a customised Transaction Type, such as SendMail.
You may also verify LedgerMail transactions on Xscan by providing your registered email ID!
“We’re really happy about partnering with the first decentralised Email service — LedgerMail. Xscan has added customised decoding for their email transactions to enable better email tracking. We are tremendously happy that Xscan is a part of the stepstone for moving people to the decentralised world.” quoted Ms Anusiya Shekar, Head of Product — Xscan.
About Xscan
Xscan is the first publicly accessible multi-chain explorer that allows users to track assets and transactions. It’s a search engine that decodes wallets, transaction hashes, and ENS from various chains. It’s quick and efficient, with a simple interactive dashboard integrated with the Unmarshal APIs.
About Ledger Mail
LedgerMail is the world’s first Decentralized Email Service that leverages Blockchain Technology to pioneer Web3.0 communication protocols. LedgerMail simplifies users’ Web3 experiences by offering a consistent platform for transferring digital assets.