Zodiac Fundraising Momentum
Zodiac fundraising momentum was shared on their project updates. Zodiac achieves the first milestone of its fundraising campaign. They have secured the pre-seed investment in the project from incredible investors LD Capital and Math Wallet.
Zodiac is very grateful for the trust and confidence of its investors to bring their vision of building a community-driven ACG (Anime, Comic, and Gaming) creation space to life.
By providing a platform for ACG creators, they truly believe that Zodiac World will play an important role in the development of Web 3.0 entertainment systems and art solutions, helping all creators across the world express their art, one by one.
The next target of Zodiac World is to:
- Launch the character NFT collection
- Launch episode I of its anime and game, as the first PGC (Professional-generated Content) in the coming month.
The capital raised will go towards accelerating the development of its ecosystem, hiring new experienced talents, and building a sustainable community.
ABOUT Math Wallet
MathWallet is a powerful universal crypto wallet that supports multi-chain tokens and dApps on mobile, browser extension, web, and hardware wallets.
ABOUT LD Capital
LD Capital is a leading crypto fund in investment and trading in primary and secondary markets. Its sub-funds include Beco Fund, FoF, hedge fund, Meta Fund, etc.
ABOUT Zodiac World
Zodiac is an ACG creation space based on multi-blockchains, aiming to provide users with a top-level experience of decentralized visual entertainment. Also, support the community’s fan fiction and connect with different NFTs