DeFi Notifications Supports Single Finance

DeFi Notifications Supports Single Finance, a protocol on Cronos, Fantom and Polygon that facilitates DeFi strategies, farming, leverage, and lending all in one place.
Single Finance users can now farm more effectively. Knowing their position status at all times. By receiving instant alerts around the clock if their position is liquidated or their stop-loss has been hit. As DeFi Notifications now supports Single Finance.
The Best Way to Monitor Your Farms
Single finance users can perform leveraged yield farming on the platform with undercollateralized loans, including Market Neutral Strategies and leveraged long/short farming. The interest rate will depend on the amount borrowed and the utilization rate of the pool. As crypto markets are volatile, the borrower can set up a stop-loss to protect their capital. Upon capital protection, Single Finance’s Bot automatically closes the farming position and converts all assets to USDC. If the borrower does not set up a stop-loss, they run the risk of liquidation, in which they’re forced to sell their holdings to repay their borrowed funds.
Using the Open DeFi Notification Protocol, Single Finance users can set up a “Position Stop-loss/Liquidate” notification. This will issue an alert when traders positions are either liquidated or reach their stop-loss. In this way, users have 24/7 monitoring of their leveraged farm’s status and can take the necessary actions to manage them as market conditions change.
About Single Finance
Single Finance is a super intuitive platform to all your DeFi investments minimizing correlations to the general market.
Their platform not only opens positions for users, but also monitors the ever-changing market situations and utilizes bots in its ecosystem to execute pre-configured strategies.
About Open DeFi Notification Protocol
The Open DeFi Notification Protocol is an open-source project allowing anyone to contribute and integrate notifications. With a quick and simple integration on Github. Developers can provide free mobile notifications for any DeFi project for important events. Like accumulated pending rewards, price swings, near liquidations, stop loss, contract upgrades, new governance votes and more.