Nodereal Partnership with NFT Aggregator Rareboard

Nodereal Partnership with NFT Aggregator Rareboard, platform where you need to have a comprehensive overview of the BNB Chain ecosystem to efficiently analyze, mint, and trade NFTs.
Underlying Challenges Before Reraboard Uses NodeReal
Whilst Rareboard’s objective seems quite clear, working exclusively on BNB Chain within NFTs comes with its challenges. As Nodereal announced its Partnership with NFT Aggregator Rareboard:
- Inconsistent BNB Chain NFT data, particularly regarding trending collections with volume, floor price, recent sales, and social media metrics.
- There is no reliable NFT-drop calendar that can be depended upon to list all upcoming mints.
- Fragmentation of marketplaces. A collector needs to know about, and trust multiple platforms to succeed – this includes, but is not subject to, the user experience gap between NFT decentralized exchange and the centralized BinanceNFT platform, as well as the separation of Metaverse, GameFi, and Collectibles.
NodeReal Came to the Rescue with Industry-Leading API Service
Rareboard was able to overcome many of those challenges it faced, and develop features that enable users to succeed when collecting and trading BNB Chain NFTs.
- Calling eth_getLogs at regular intervals.
- Fetching contract ABI from BSCScan and decoding the logs.
- Filtering out the logs that Rareboard is interested in.
- Using eth_getTransactionByHash + eth_getTransactionReceipt to get some additional data.
About NodeReal
NodeReal is a one-stop blockchain infrastructure and service provider that embraces the high-speed blockchain era and empowers developers by “Make your Web3 Real”. They provide scalable, reliable, and efficient blockchain solutions for everyone, aiming to support the adoption, growth, and long-term success of the Web3 ecosystem.
About Rareboard
Rareboard is an NFT marketplace aggregator, built for the BNB Chain. Its mission is to become the only platform where you need to have a comprehensive overview of the BNB Chain ecosystem to efficiently analyze, mint, and trade NFTs. Rareboard gives collectors precise rarity data, the hottest mints, and the best buying opportunities across multiple collections and marketplaces.