MetalineX Integration with Chainlink
MetalineX Integration with Chainlink Price Feeds to provide users with stronger assurances that users can easily buy and sell in-game assets and exchange tokens.
MetaLineX has now access to high-quality, tamper-proof price feeds needed to support in-game payments and exchanges. This will provide users with stronger assurances that users can easily buy and sell in-game assets and exchange tokens. As MetalineX announced their Integration with Chainlink
MetaLineX is the ultimate destination for fully on-chain gamers and enthusiasts. Chainlink will offer a comprehensive platform featuring a diverse range of standout games, an AI-powered on-chain data dashboard, a vibrant forum for gamers to exchange thoughts and ideas, and a top-tier, fully on-chain game incubator.
Chainlink Price Feeds
- High-Quality Data — Source data from numerous premium data aggregators, leading to price data that’s aggregated from hundreds of exchanges, weighted by volume, and cleaned of outliers and wash trading. Chainlink’s data aggregation model generates more precise global market prices.
- Secure Node Operators — Secured by independent, security-reviewed, and Sybil-resistant oracle nodes run by leading blockchain DevOps teams, data providers, and traditional enterprises.
- Decentralized Network — Decentralized at the data source, oracle node, and oracle network levels, generating strong protections against downtime and tampering by either the data provider or oracle network.
- Reputation System — Provides a robust reputation framework and set of on-chain monitoring tools that allow users to independently verify the historical and real-time performance of node operators and oracle networks.
About MetaLineX
MetaLine-X stands as a pioneering fully -onchain WebGame platform, built upon MetaLine’s core product featuring Layer3+ full-chain foundational technology