Idle Weekly Beats, 05.17.21

Published on: 18.05.2021
Idle Weekly Beats, 05.17.21

Idle released Weekly Beats, newsletter for regular dose of updates, new features & announcements from the team.

🔹Core Beats

  • New ATH in total value locked! The Idle protocol now manages more than $245M.
  • Astonishing week for Idle APYs! IIP-7 introduced stkAAVE farming, improving overall returns.
  • Enzyme Finance officially joins the B2B Affiliate program. Idle pools would allow this on-chain Asset Management protocol to build new composability solutions.
  • The Treasury League co-sponsored B.protocol grant, which is part of the Gitcoin OpenDeFi hackathon. Up to $4k prize for building a protocol wrapper that would allow Idle protocol to deploy in B.protocol.
  • If you are a builder or developer, you should take a look at the extensive documentation on Idle Flash Loans. The power of DeFi liquidity at your (keyboard) command.

🔹Governance Beats

  •  IIP-7 pt2. The last part of IIP-7 started the on-chain journey, reached the quorum, and got queued. The proposal would activate stkAAVE distribution in $WETH, upgrade all Best-Yield strategies with a gas-saving improvement, and transfer the budget to Leagues.
  • CREAM integration. The community is still investigating the benefits and drawbacks of integrating Cream protocol. Share your opinion!
  •  Integration Standard Requirements. The forum hosts a discussion about Integration Standard Requirements, a framework to evaluate new market opportunities.
  •  ICHI protocol support for $IDLE. Ichi team shared a collaboration proposalwith many ideas, including an $IDLE-based stablecoin. Join the conversation and report your vision on this deal.

What is Idle?

Idle is #DeFi Yields Aggregator and Rebalancing Protocol.


Market Stats:
BTC Dominance: 52.59%(-0.12%/24h)
ETH Dominance: 18.1%(+0.13%/24h)
Defi Market Cap: $103.3B(-27.66%/24h)
Total Market Cap: $2538.44B(+0.54%/24h)
Total Trading Volume 24h: $45.25B(-39.91%/24h)
ETH Market Cap: $459.26B
Defi to ETH Ratio: 22.49%
Defi Dominance: 3.86%
Altcoin Market Cap: $1203.35B
Altcoin Volume 24h: $32.95B
Total Cryptocurrencies: 29995
Active Cryptocurrencies: 10073
Active Market Pairs: 83330
Active Exchanges: 773
Total Exchanges: 8631
BTC: 67746.51$(0.02%/1H)
ETH: 3824.22$(0.36%/1H)
AVAX: 35.95$(-0.25%/1H)
BNB: 602.51$(-0.79%/1H)
MATIC: 0.7$(-0.06%/1H)
FTM: 0.79$(0.28%/1H)
ADA: 0.45$(0.33%/1H)
DOT: 7.09$(-0.12%/1H)
UNI: 9.94$(0.26%/1H)
CAKE: 2.79$(-0.61%/1H)
SUSHI: 1.18$(0.05%/1H)
ONE: 0.02$(0.37%/1H)