Charged Particles IDO on Polkastarter

Charged Particles announced Initial Decentralized Offering IDO for the Charged Particles’ Governance Token, $IONX on Polkastarter.
Charged Particles was started in late 2019 and allows users to Do More with their Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) offering near-infinite flexibility and creativity within this growing space.
With Charged Particles, any NFT can be transformed into a basket containing other ERC-20 tokens, even other NFTs. The Principal amount can be time-locked inside the NFT, and through integration with Aave’s aTokens, the programmable yield from these DeFi yield-generating assets is just a few clicks away.
Charged Particles is backed by top web3 investors in the space, and the Protocol & DApp went live on MainNet on 17-Feb.
With the Charged Particles Protocol, ANY NFT can hold multiple assets — soon, everyone will need to ask: “What’s in your NFT?”
The Charged Particles governance token, $IONX, exists to govern the Charged Particles Protocol. Any changes to the Protocol will be proposed and voted on by $IONX token holders. These proposals can include things like adjusting contract configuration values to adjust the protocol deposit fee, implementing scaling solutions, adjusting 3rd party integration fees, registering, adjusting or disabling DeFi protocols as yield sources, and controlling the future distribution of $IONX to protocol contributors.
What is Polkastarter?
Polkastarter is a permissionless DEX built for cross-chain token pools and auctions, enabling projects to raise capital on a decentralized and interoperable environment based on Polkadot. With Polkastarter, decentralized projects will be able to raise and exchange capital cheap and fast. Users will be able to participate in a secure and compliant environment and to use assets that go way beyond the current ERC20 standard.
What is Charged Particles?
Charged Particles is a protocol that allows users to deposit ERC-20 tokens(ANY tokens) into an NFT. A scarce NFT (e.g. Art, Collectible, Virtual Real Estate, In-Game Item, etc.) can now be transformed into a basket holding a number of other tokens. The Principal amount can be time-locked inside the NFT, and through integration with Aave’s aTokens, the programmable yield from these DeFi yield-generating assets is just a few clicks away.