BurgerSwap Has Partnered With BarbecueSwap

BurgerSwap has partnered with BarbecueSwap to add $BBQ Farming Pool to BurgerSwap.
Users will be able to stake their $BLP tokens into the $BBQ farming pool to farm 20,408 $BBQ tokens over 1 month, starting from May 21, 4pm UTC+8
Reward Token: BBQ
Supported BLP Tokens: BBQ-BURGER, BBQ-WBNB
About BarbecueSwap
BarbecueSwap is a Decentralized Exchange, Yield Farming, and Staking platform on Binance Smart Chain. They are aiming for sustainable growth through constant innovation.
About BurgerSwap
BurgerSwap is the first Automated market maker based democratized decentralized exchange on Binance SmartChain which is created by community and for the community.