Easyfi Network Dual Farming On DFyn

Users can now Stake EZ-DFYN LP to earn 2 tokens EZ and DFYN.
How to Add Liquidity to EZ-DFYN pool?
Visit Here: https://exchange.dfyn.network/
How to Stake and Earn rewards?
Visit Here: https://exchange.dfyn.network/#/dual-farms
About EasyFi Network
Easyfi is a universal layer 2 lending protocol built for defi focused on scalability, composability, and adoption. It has been designed as an open and inclusive financial network infrastructure to run on public networks to facilitate end-to-end lending & borrowing of digital assets and related financial products. Easyfi is being built upon the ethos of permission-less networks & automation of smart contracts.
About DFyn
Dfyn is a multi-chain AMM DEX currently functional on the Polygon network. Dfyn nodes on various chains act as liquidity entry and exit points into the cross-chain liquidity super mesh that is being enabled by Router Protocol.