Division Network Farm And Syrup Pool Are Now Live On PancakeSwap

Division Network $DVI Has been Added On Farm And Syrup Pool on PancakeSwap.
Users can now Stake CAKE to earn DVI and Stake DVI-BNB LP to earn CAKE.
How do you stake CAKE to DVI rewards?
Visit this webpage: https://pancakeswap.finance/syrup and https://pancakeswap.finance/farms
Click “Approve CAKE” on the Dvision Network Syrup Pool and Farm
Click on the stake button.
Confirm the transaction.
About Dvision Network
Dvision Network provides a web-based real-time streaming 3D VR metaverse service so that users can easily experience metaverse content such as fairs and games. On the Dvision Network platform, anyone can easily create NFT items without any development-related expertise. Dvision Network’s NFT trading system enables monetization by directly connecting creators and consumers without intermediaries, which serves to connect the virtual world to reality.
About PancakeSwap
PancakeSwap is decentralized exchange and 1st Automated Market Maker and Yield Farming on Binance Smart Chain.
PancakeSwap uses an automated market make r (AMM) model. That means that while you can trade digital assets on the platform, there isn’t an order book where you’re matched with someone else. Instead, you trade against a liquidity pool.