Darwinia Monthly Report | June 2021
Darwinia Network introduced Monthly Report for June 2021.
Key Takeaways from last month
- Darwinia Crab Crowdloan of Kusama Parachain Auction has opened, Darwinia Crab Crowdloan|Tutorials
- They launched the CMC airdrop event to share 7,200,000 CRING & 180,000 RING on Jun 30th
- Darwinia Crab Parachain Auction rewards: 240,000,000 $CRING and 6,000,000 $RING, NFT mining packages and lutte boxes with the super BTC prize embedded in the NFT land. read more
Other Updates:
Tech updates
- Launch Kusama Parachain Slot Auction Crowdloan and participate in the auction.
- Add withdraw and KTON precompiled to DVM.
- Refactoring of the MMR pallet and optimizing its on-chain data.
- Implement the BSC light client for bridging BSC assets to Darwinia.
- Design Darwinia BEEFY light client, and implement it in Solidity.
- Test Substrate <> Substrate message cross-chain.
- Implement Substrate <> Substrate cross-chain modules, including Backing Module and Issuing Module, which are used to support ERC20 and Substrate Currency cross-chain transferring.
- Refactor Bridger is a rust implementation of Bridge Relayer for better business logic.
Community updates
- Darwinia Crab started Auction🎆 2021.06.11 Crust、Phala、Darwinia Kusama Parachain Auction AMA,they held a live event to talk about PLO strategy.
- Darwinia Crab Crowdloan and tutorial 🎉 they announced Darwinia Crab crowdloan and turtorial,helping users choose the way they like to distribute their KSM.
- Kusama & Darwinia Crab meme contest, they started a Meme Contest for advocating knowledge of Kusama Parachain Auction and adding more fun to the auction.
- Darwinia Daily Q&A event, in order to challenge community to learn more about blockchain technology, Polkadot, and Darwinia.
Darwinia CMO Bree participated in the following AMA events and other activities, including:
- Bitwell English AMA,shared Kusama PLO strategy
- Topdao Oversea Comuninty AMA,answered the questions about Kusama Parachain Auction and Rewards
- AMA Vozblockchain & DarwiniaNetwort: introduce Darwinia Crab
- Kusama Auction AMA with Crust and Phala,discuss how pravicy、storage、cross-chainbridge will empower web3.0
Cooperation updates
- Darwinia and Genesis Shard announced partnership,Through this partnership, Projects on Genesis Shards will be able to implement Darwinia’s cross-chain bridge network for their platforms. Its applications range across diverse fields such as DeFi, Trading, NFTs & Gaming
- Darwinia and Subquery announced partnership,Through SubQuery’s public data, Darwinia build the bridge to the application ecosystem to construct more attractive applications on this source
- Darwinia and Jambo Network announced partnership, The two parties will jointly explore solutions for heterogeneous cross-chain interactions and introduce more public chain assets such as Ethereum and BSC into the Polkadot ecosystem
- Darwinia and Glitch form a strategic partnership,bring our interoperable cross-chain bridge technology to the GLITCH protocol
Evolution Land
Tech updates
1.The evolution Land Tutorial system has been developed, it has been testing in Land Atlantis.
2.The gold rush function has been developed and has been live at 2021.06.28 10am, first term sign up will end on July 5th at 10am.
3.Farm, the defi center of Evolution Land has been developed, it has been testing in Land Atlantis.
4.Evolution Land has connected to DefiBox, completed data upload.
5.Performance optimization of Evolution Land has been completed, and it has been testing in Land Atlantis.
Community updates
1. NFT influencer Cao Yin led the Metaverse adventure team to explore Evolution Land.
2.Evolution Land and Polygon will form a strategic partnership, we have been discussing building the Polygon continent and Polygon community in Evolution Land.
3.BML Community Live event 【 how to build the Web3.0 metaverse in Evolution Land】.
Darwinia CMO Bree shared the details of cross-chain gameplays and BML will also build a community in Evolution Land by participating in the Land Auction.
What is Darwinia?
Darwinia is open cross-chain bridge protocol based on Substrate, Darwinia focuses on the construction of future Internet of Tokens.