Galaxy Coin Farm And Garden Olive Pool Are Now Live On Olive Cash

Galaxy Coin Farm and Garden Olive Pool Are Now Live on Olive Cash Binance Smart Chain Network.
Users can now Stake OLIVE to earn GLXC and Stake GLXC-BNB LP to earn OLIVE.
How do you stake OLIVE to earn GLXC rewards?
Visit this webpage:
Click “Approve OLIVE” on the GLXC Olive Garden Pool.
Click on the stake button.
Confirm the transaction!
About GLXC
Every trade contributes toward generating liquidity which is automatically locked inside Pancakeswap LP. 5% of every transaction is locked as liquidity in the Pancakeswap GLXC/BNB pool forever creating an ever rising price floor.
GalaxyCoin will redistribute 5% of every buy & sell order back to GLXC holders passively [without the need to take any action].
No need to be math geniuses here to see that numbers quickly go up, which makes our concept very revolutionary!
60% of the supply has been sent to the Blackhole at launch. This will absorb a significant amount of the 5% tax distribution, thereby creating an exponential hyper-deflation!
About Olive Cash
Olive Cash is a yield farming and staking platform on Binance Smart Chain and on Avalanche.
Mission is to create the most Economically Sustainable and Accessible yield farming community on BSC and Avalanche by providing a simple user interface, facilitating access to DeFi, and creating a perpetual deflation token, the Olive token.
OliveCash has the goal of fostering AMM, Yeild Farming and DeFi market by facilitating the participation of traditional investors to the Crypto Ecosystem. Expanding the potential market reach requires simple and smooth interfaces as well as easier connections between Fiat and Crypto markets. To increase protocol economical sustainability, we aim at increasing burning fees and defining additional deflationary strategies benefitting holders.