WINKLink – Boosted Syrup Pool on PancakeSwap
Pool is now live! Users can now stake $CAKE to earn $WIN tokens. 3,137,000,000 WIN up for grabs for the community. Farming will end on block 11297400 (approx. 9am UTC on September 30th). WIN-BNB will go from a 1x multiple to a 2x multiple, which will last for 1 week, which will only cause temporary dilution among the other farms, and at the same time, there will be a new WIN Syrup Pool with $1M of tokens, to be earned by staking CAKE.
WINkLink is the first decentralized oracle on the TRON network, which aims to integrate the real world with the blockchain space. The project aims to provide reliable data feeds to enable smart contract execution. WINklink Oracle allows developers to connect to any real-world data, and connect smart contracts with the real-world data feeds.