BabySwap New Start Pool is Live On BSCStation

Users can Stake BSCS earn BABY” at 3:00PM UTC, Starting from August 23.
1. The Start Pool: Stake BSCS earn BABY
Token: BSCS
Contract Address: 0x53E562b9B7E5E94b81f10e96Ee70Ad06df3D2657
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
Total Rewards: 125,593 BABY
Distribution duration: 30 days
Token rewards per block: 0.145 BABY
Reward starting: 3 PM UTC, Aug 23
About Babyswap
BabySwap is the best AMM+NFT decentralized exchange for newborn projects on Binance Smart Chain, providing a more friendly trading experience and better project support.
As a trader, you will find potential baby projects on BabySwap early and accompany them to grow up to ‘rock stars’ through trading, farming, bott ling, etc. Also, you will get free BABY tokens by trade mining.
As a project, you will find the best support on BabySwap, including growth fund, arbitrage support, entertaining activities, resource connection, friendly display, etc.
About BSC Station
BSC Station (BSCS) aims to build a Full-Stack DeFi with NFT Auction on the Binance Smart Chain. BSC Station provides exclusive services including: BSC Swap, IDO Launchpad, Farming / staking, Liquidity mining, NFT Auction and Marketplace.
BSCS operates on top of the Binance Smart Chain and is designed to offer maximum value to consumers and institutions. Binance Smart Chain has solved the problem of infrastructure in the context of BSCS’s product, and that BSCS represents the ideal use case to leverage the technologies offered by its platform.