Kaby LP Staking Farm is Live

Kaby LP staking farm is live https://tokensfarm.com/kaby/lp/1
The Farm rewards holders of Liquidity Provider tokens from the KABY-BUSD liquidity pool on Pancakeswap with 2,000,000 $KABY — over 60 days.
Rewards are distributed proportionally to the amount of liquidity each person provides, therefore APY per person depends on how many LP tokens they contribute to the Farm.
Rewards are calculated constantly by the smart contract, paid out at block intervals. Rewards from previous blocks are added to users’ original contribution, increasing their share of the subsequent block rewards. The longer you provide liquidity, the higher the rewards.
Minimum staking time:
- Minimum staking time is 30 days.
- If you unstake before 30 days is up, the accrued rewards will be returned to the Farm to be distributed to other LP contributors.
- After 30 days your deposit and rewards can be claimed freely.
About Kaby Arena
Kaby Arena (KABY) is a Polygon and Binance Smart Chain token that links to the Kaby gaming ecosystem. It is developed by Ziga gaming studio, which has produced eight revenue-generating games with over a million active monthly players. Kaby Arena makes use of free-to-play and play-to-earn (P2E) mechanisms to create money-earning opportunities for platform users. The game, a tactical multiplayer role playing game (RPG), allows players to collect materials in the game that can then be minted into non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using KABY tokens. The nature of the games also has close ties to the cryptocurrency world, with game rules designed around understanding the crypto market. Those who understand it have higher chances of winning points in the game. This helps to incentivise players to learn the crypto market better in order to win more coins.