AssetFi Tokenomics Released
Asset tokenization is a term for the use of blockchain technology to represent ownership or rights to an asset as a tradable, on-chain token. Though it most commonly refers to the tokenization of financial or fungible assets, such as shares in a company or a quantity of gold, asset tokenization can hypothetically refer to the tokenization of any material or non-material thing possessing monetary value: everything from a piece of art to a patent to an hour of a skilled worker’s time. As such, asset tokenization is among the most promising use cases for blockchain, with the upper bound of its growth potentially encompassing nearly all of human economic activity — a dollar number estimated to be worth well over a hundred trillion annually.
The purpose of AssetFi is to provide a solution to this problem by offering a cross token compliance layer that can restrict the transferability of ERC-20/BEP-20 compliant tokens based on a set of rules. Those rules are managed by the issuer, who can set new rules whenever needed.
The token part of AssetFi is the interface used by third parties to interact with the token through the different stages of its lifecycle (issue/redeem, approvals, transfers, etc.). The token has a single owner, one or multiple administrators, one or multiple issuers, and one or multiple seizers.
AssetFi Tokenomics:
There will be a total allocation of 10% $AFI tokens available for purchase. This offering will be for AssetFi Token ($AFI), which are BEP-20 tokens that represent the AssetFi Platform itself, not the assets listed on it, as asset creators/originators will determine what their tokens will be.
These $AFI tokens allow investors in the AssetFi Platform to access instant liquidity in secondary markets. A key component to the function of the actual AssetFi Platform itself, the offering and distribution of AssetFi Tokens ($AFI) is critical to the successful launch of the platform. These reserved tokens are intended for investors, the team, partners, and others for the purpose of bootstrapping the development of the AssetFi Platform itself, and its supplemental economy of offerings.
- Total Tokens: 500 Million
- Platform Usage: 450 Million
- For Sale: 50 Million
AssetFi is a DeFi platform committed to decentralizing investment opportunities through fractional ownership of assets in tokens and NFTs for non-crypto savvy investors.