Wing Finance Has Partnered With Baby Swap
Wing Finance collaborated with Baby Swap to introduce $WING – $USDT Liquidity Pool and Staking Pool.
WING-USDT Liquidity Pool
$WING – $USDT liquidity is now live for over a two month period.
Provide liquidity in the pool, and stake your LP tokens to start earning BABY. The total rewards over two months are equal to $120,000 (106,000 BABY).
Stake BABY, Earn WING
Staking pool is now live as well users can stake $BABY token to earn $WING reward.
In addition to the WING-USDT liquidity pool, BabySwap is also setting up a WING pool. You can stake your BABY tokens to earn WING worth $60,000.
About Wing
Wing is a credit-based, cross-chain decentralized lending platform. As a DeFi platform dedicated to the digital asset lending market, Wing supports cross-chain interactions between a variety of DeFi products. Combined with the Wing DAO (decentralized autonomous organization), the platform’s decentralized governance model and risk control mechanism aim to foster mutually beneficial relationships between borrowers, creditors, and guarantors. In addition, Wing offers an innovative credit evaluation module that rewards users for developing good credit on the blockchain.
About BabySwap
BabySwap is the best AMM+NFT decentralized exchange for newborn projects on Binance Smart Chain, providing a more friendly trading experience and better project support.