Minswap December Project Development Update

December is the month during which Minswap are racing towards completing its smart contract for auditing. At this moment, the smart contract for v1 of Minswap DEX is feature-completed and are writing tests, refactoring and preparing documentations for our imminent audit.
The off-chain team has been making sure that the Minswap SDK is an easy-to-use interface to interact with Minswap’s Smart Contract. While hitting a roadblock with hashing script data in the transaction body, this will only affect advanced features and it doesn’t affect the testnet launch. In other words, Minswap testnet is progressing on schedule and they can’t wait to announce the official launch date.
Minswap also honored to be officially part of the Cardano DeFi Alliance! The CDA offers a framework for protocol developers to work together on critical issues and strategic development. Mintswap hope that this will bring more opportunities for Cardano DeFi projects to collaborate, craft and publish best practices, and innovate within the Cardano DeFi ecosystem.
ABOUT Minswap
Minswap is the multi-pool decentralized exchange on the Cardano blockchain