Horizon Protocol Initial Farm Offering To Be Hosted On PancakeSwap
Horizon Protocol Initial Farm Offering to be hosted on PancakeSwap
IFO Sale Details:
Sale start block: 6496800 (approx. 9am UTC on Thursday 15th April 2021)
Sale end block: 6498000 (approx. 10am UTC on Thursday 15th April 2021)
Tokens to be sold: 10,000,000 HZN (10% of initial $HZN total supply)
Price per token: 1 $HZN = $0.25 USD
Method: Basic Sale and Unlimited Sale (Both sales will be conducted via the Overflow method)
How To participate in the IFO:
Before Sale:
— Create an active PancakeSwap profile
— Buy $CAKE and $BNB tokens
— Get $CAKE-BNB LP tokens by adding $CAKE and $BNB liquidity
About Horizon Protocol
Horizon Protocol is a decentralized finance platform facilitating the creation of on-chain synthetic assets representing the real economy.
About PancakeSwap
PancakeSwap is decentralized exchange and 1st Automated Market Maker and Yield Farming on Binance Smart Chain.