Dovu Partnership With SaucerSwap
Dovu X SaucerSwap Partnership Announcement
Dovu partnership with SaucerSwap which is all about ensuring that our users can acquire DOV in the easiest, cheapest way possible – taking advantage of SaucerSwap’s speed and cost advantages as a decentralised Application.
With Hedera, exchanges cost 5 cents – instead of having to wait minutes for exchanges to happen, they happen in seconds.
Anyone that wants to participate in the Dovu project in tokens will be able to acquire them from SaucerSwap using Hashpack, without having to pay the high gas fees of being on the Ethereum network. With this partnership, the Dovu mission is easier than ever before – furthering our community-led vision to offset carbon utilising the transparency of blockchain and DLT technology.
In addition, SaucerSwap are also providing a liquidity mining feature – enabling users to gain sauce tokens for greater rewards. This is all done without the need to interact with the Ethereum network, providing a secure, reliable, and rapid pathway to ‘a permissionless and trustless environment’ for a simple token-swapping platform.
They’re beyond excited this partnership, means for the future of the Dovu mission & look forward to keeping you updated.
About SaucerSwap
SaucerSwap a fork of Uniswap v2 that leverages the HSCS to include Solidity smart contract integration with the HTS. These smart contracts implement an AMM protocol, which facilitates token swaps within decentralized liquidity pools.
About Dovu
Building the trust layer for carbon offset integrity. They implement carbon sequestration practices to tokenise carbon credits & make it easy for organisations to offset their carbon footprints. Powered by Hedera Hashgraph.