FLS News
PancakeSwap has integrated Chainlink’s $BNB/USD Price Feed on Binance Smart Chain mainnet for the security and ensuring PancakeSwap Prediction has access to Chainlink’s reliable and...
Vox Finance Launched New VOXb-BNB Ape Swap Liquidity Pool Users can now stake VOXb-BNB APE LP to earn on RealVoxFinance platform.
How to stake on Vox Finance? Visit this webpage:...
PancakeSwap Launches Prediction BETA
A new features where users could win at ever 5 minute interval. Users need to predict if the price of $BNB/USDT will go higher or lower than it was when...
Beefy Finance New Vault For Lympo LMT LP Now LIVE!
Users can now Stake LMT–BNB LP to earn on Beefy Finance Platform.
How to Stake on Beefy Finance?
Visit this...
RAI Finance Joined Launchpool Staking Pools, $RAI holders can now start mining.
Users can stake RAI (BEP-20 standard token on Binance Smart Chain) on Launchool to earn $LPOOL tokens. About...
Swamp Finance New Vaults For BELT Finance
Users are now able to stake the following LP on Swamp Finance to earn on the platform.
How to Stake on Swamp Finance...
Beefy Finance Launched New Vault from Swamp Finance CAKE LP is now LIVE!
Users can now Stake CAKE–BNB LP to earn on Beefy Finance Platform.
How to Stake on Beefy Finance?
Visit this...
Olive Cash New Farm and Pool for LYD LydiaFinance
Users can now Stake OLIVE to earn LYD and Stake LYD-AVAX LP to earn OLIVE.
How to stake on Olive Cash?
Visit this webpage:...
Lympo Farm on PancakeSwap is now LIVE! Users can now Stake LMT-BNB LP to earn CAKE.
How to stake on PancakeSwap? Visit this webpage: https://pancakeswap.finance/farms Click...
AlpacaFinance ALPACA Farm and Syrup Pool are now LIVE on PancakeSwap
Users can now stake CAKE to earn ALPACA and Stake ALPACA-BUSD LP to earn CAKE
How to stake on PancakeSwap ?
Visit this...
Pumpy Farm New Pool
Pumpy Farm Launched new pool for ALLOY-WBNB. Users can now able to stake ALLOY-WBNB to earn PMP on the Pumpy Farm platform.
How to stake on Pumpy Farm?
Visit this...
Swamp Finance New Mdextech Vaults
Users are now able to stake the following LP on Swamp Finance to earn on the platform.
Belt Finance Partnered With AutoFarmNetwork Autofarm is a leading yield aggregator and DeFi suite. The Autofarm ecosystem consists of 3 main products; a cross-chain yield optimizer which...
DefiDollar DFD Farm and Syrup Pool are now LIVE on PancakeSwap
Users can now stake CAKE to earn DFD and Stake DFD-BNB LP to earn CAKE.
How to stake on PancakeSwap ?
Visit this...
PancakeSwap will list ALPACA Finance to Their Syrup Pool
How to stake CAKE to earn ALPACA rewards?
Visit this webpage: https://pancakeswap.finance/syrup, once it goes live.
Click “Approve...
Sushi Integrates Chainlink price feeds to secure kashi lending and margin trading markets.
Traders can now create custom Kashi markets using any of Chainlink’s large collection of...
Blizzard Money V2 Pools Are Now Live
Blizzard Money All native and non-native V2 pools are now LIVE, with 0% deposit fees for the next 24 hours of the migration.
Details and Steps Of...
Swamp Finance New Vaults
Since Pancake Swap Migrated to V2, Swamp Finance needed to remake the vaults.
They have added bunch of new vaults on the platform. Users is now be able to stake on...