FLS News
PancakeSwap added ChainGuardians to Their Syrup Pool.
How do you stake CAKE to earn pCGG & MIX rewards?
Visit this webpage: https://pancakeswap.finance/syrup, once it goes live.
Bakery Swap Collaborated with Open Ocean to launch trading campaign.
Chance to Share $3,800 in $BAKE prizes!
Campaign Period: 16th April, 1pm UTC — 22th April, 1pm UTC
ApeSwap Announced strategic Partnership with KeyFi This collaboration will bring, KEYFI token listing on ApeSwap, KEYFI-BNB farm, and $KEYFI $BANANA staking pool on ApeSwap.
Roobee Invest bROOBEE Farm And Syrup Pool LIVE on PancakeSwap
How do you stake CAKE to earn bROOBEE rewards?
Visit this webpage: https://pancakeswap.finance/syrup
Click “Approve CAKE” on...
Mofi Finance $MOFI will be listed on Hotbit
MOFI provides services such as yield earning, MOFI Swap, MOFI NFT platform, and Mofi Starter.
Deposit: April 26, at 4am UTC
Trading: April 26, at...
Suterusu Farm & Syrup Pool are now LIVE! on PancakeSwap
Users can now stake CAKE to earn SUTER.
Stake SUTER-BNB LP to earn CAKE.
How do you stake CAKE to earn SUTER rewards?
Visit this...
BurgerSwap Introduced BurgerShack
Burger Shack will allows users to stake single tokens such as BNB, BUSD, USDT, BTCB, MDX, HMDX, and ETH for mining USDT and xBURGER, with double...
HorizonProtocol HZN Farm and Syrup Pool Are Now LIVE On PancakeSwap
How do you stake CAKE to earn HZN rewards?
Visit this webpage: https://pancakeswap.finance/syrup
Click “Approve CAKE”...
FinanceBourbon Launched a Farm For Limited Time $TSB Token
Users can now stake $RBT-BRRL LP, TSB-BUSD, TSB-BNB and BNB-BUSD LP to earn $TSB token on Bourbon Finance platform.
Visit this...
CityAlpaca $ALPA Farm and Syrup Pool are now LIVE on PancakeSwap Users can now stake $CAKE to earn $ALPA
Stake $ALPA-BNB LP to earn $CAKE
How do you stake CAKE to...
RampDefi $RAMP Staking Vault is now LIVE!
BSC V2 Staking Vault shall start with rewards of 0.46 $RAMP per block, users can stake their $RAMP with up to 75%...
PancakeSwap Will List $ALPA CityAlpaca To Farm And Syrup Pool
The Syrup Pool:
Stake $CAKE tokens to earn $ALPA tokens!
Total Tokens: 406,000 $ALPA
Distribution duration: 60 days
Start block:...
MacaronSwap Launched New Farm For $BTCB-BNB PancakeSwap Liquidity Providers On MacaronSwap MagicBox.
MacaronSwap Launched New Farm For $BTCB-BNB PancakeSwap LPs on MacaronSwap MagicBox. How to stake $BTCB-BNB PancakeSwap LPs on MacaronSwap?
Visit this webpage:...
Binance Liquid Swap Adds Chromia $CHR/BNB Liquidity Pool
Binance announced the Binance Liquid Swap has opened the CHR/BNB liquidity pool.
Add liquidity to the CHR/BNB liquidity pool now,...
Swamp Finance Launches New Single Vault for $BUSD And $BNB How do you stake $BUSD and $BNB on SwampFinance?
Visit this webpage:...
PerlinX $PERL Syrup Pool & Farm Are Now LIVE On PancakeSwap
How do you stake CAKE to earn PERL rewards?
Visit this webpage: https://pancakeswap.finance/syrup
Click “Approve CAKE”...
What is CookieSwap?
CookiesSwap is Decentralized Exchange and yield farm platform on Binance Smart
Chain that maintains the same and tested and true liquidity protection mechanism that is
BeefyFinance Launched New LP Vault for Mdextech
Users can now stake $MDX-BUSD LP to earn rewards on Beefy Finance platform.
How to stake $MDX-BUSD LP?
Visit this...