🌿 ApeSwap new listing & Pool for $BRICK Brickchaindefi, a leading Decentralized Exchange on BinanceSmartChain with the best farms in DeFi for $BRICK🌿Users will be able to stake...
🌿 UniTrade is a platform that allows users to execute both limit & market orders across multiple Decentralized Exchangers (DEX) 🌿 Users can now stake $CAKE to earn $TRADE and...
🌿 PikaFinance is the world’s first community built meme token sponsored by the international Pokémon fanbase.🌿 Users who will provide at least 1000 $PIKA of liquidity in either...
🌿 Palette Finance is a yield farming on Binance Smart Chain, is the first project of Palette Finance. A 2nd generation farming with burning mechanisms to promote long...
🌿 Tixlfinance $TXL has been added on PancakeSwap Farm and Syrup Pool 🌿Tixlfinance is a platform for digital asset data & AI-powered fundamental analyses. 🌿Users will now...
🎉@LoganPaul sells 1,772 NFTs on the first day on @BondlyFinance NFT Marketplace, raises total $3.5 Million! 🎆Logan Paul is an American YouTuber, internet personality, actor,...
🎉@dapperlabs NBA Top Shot blockchain collectibles raising $250 million in a new funding round. 🎁Top Shot #NFT collectibles pairs the classic hobby of collecting cards with some...
UNION Finance and Kleros_io Partnership💥 UNION Finance has been partners with Kleros_io to accelerate UNION’s claims and challenge process 💥 Kleros will build a Claims...
🎆@MixHyperDragons is a competitive fighting game powered by blockchain technology 🏷#Hyperdragons allows users to collect, breed, and trade digital dragons by generating smart...