Tag "#Aggregated Archives - Smart Liquidity Research"

Aggregated blockchains are an innovative approach to making life easier for users, developers, and blockchain networks in the Web3 ecosystem. This method combines the best features of...
Market Stats:
BTC Dominance: 53.23%(+0.19%/24h)
ETH Dominance: 18.03%(-0.12%/24h)
Defi Market Cap: $85.88B(-12.17%/24h)
Total Market Cap: $2261.77B(-1.30%/24h)
Total Trading Volume 24h: $51.45B(-13.05%/24h)
ETH Market Cap: $407.74B
Defi to ETH Ratio: 21.06%
Defi Dominance: 3.6%
Altcoin Market Cap: $1057.92B
Altcoin Volume 24h: $31.21B
Total Cryptocurrencies: 30444
Active Cryptocurrencies: 10125
Active Market Pairs: 84201
Active Exchanges: 784
Total Exchanges: 8865
BTC: 61048.52$(0.15%/1H)
ETH: 3392.82$(0.11%/1H)
AVAX: 27.8$(-0.31%/1H)
BNB: 572.69$(0.09%/1H)
MATIC: 0.56$(-0.2%/1H)
FTM: 0.55$(0.08%/1H)
ADA: 0.39$(-0.37%/1H)
DOT: 6.12$(-0.05%/1H)
UNI: 8.91$(-0.23%/1H)
CAKE: 2.16$(0.12%/1H)
SUSHI: 0.82$(-0.04%/1H)
ONE: 0.01$(0.15%/1H)