KelVPN Partners with Poly Network
KelVPN partners with Poly Network, so $KEL holders can use the one-click cross-chain tool #PolyBridge to seamlessly facilitate KEL token transfers between #ERC20 & #BSC.
KelVPN has had a successful launch on Ethereum as well as Binance Smart Chain. Its KEL token can be traded on Uniswap and Pancakeswap, the automated market makers (AMM) of these respective blockchains.
What is Poly Network?
Poly Network a groundbreaking heterogeneous interoperability protocol alliance, consisting of leading blockchain platforms such as Neo and Ontology. Poly Network already integrates Bitcoin, Ethereum, Neo, Ontology, BSC, Switcheo, Elrond, Heco and Ziliqa, and aims to build the foundation for Next-gen Internet (NGI) by enabling greater integration, cooperation, and innovation. Representing both a technical breakthrough and a milestone for blockchain adoption, Poly Network is well-positioned to become the pillar of NGI and the smart economy of tomorrow.
What is KelVPN?
The KelVPN team has been building KelVPN since 2019 — It’s the first deanon-proof and quantum-safe decentralized VPN in prod. powered by the Cellframe Network. For the customer, KelVPN offers one-click access to a new level of privacy and security combined with high-speed data supporting up to 8k+ video streaming.