PancakeSwap Prediction BETA Launch

PancakeSwap announced that Prediction BETA is now live.
You basically need to predict if the price of BNBUSDT will be higher or lower than it was when the “LIVE” phase starts.
If you enter an “UP” position, and the BNBUSDT “CLOSED PRICE” is higher than the “Locked Price” at the end of the 5 minute LIVE phase, you WIN! And if it’s lower, you lose!
If you enter a “DOWN” position, and the BNBUSDT “CLOSED PRICE” is higher than the “Locked Price” at the end of the 5 minute LIVE phase, you LOSE! If it’s lower, you win.
And Vice-versa.
The goal of the BETA stage is to help test the product on all sides, this means everything from the underlying smart contracts, user experience etc.
What is PancakeSwap?
PancakeSwap is the first AMM and yield farm on Binance Smart Chain.