Convergence Finance Launched ConvPool on Testnet

Convergence announce that ConvPool is ready for the community to test out on Kovan.
Through ConvPool features, users can stake CONV and or Convergence LP tokens to earn reward for facilitating the protocol. They can provide liquidity to the ecosystem and receive a split of the transaction fees.
To earn passive income, users should do the following techniques:
💥 Provide Liquidity To Split Transaction Fee
💥 Stake Tokens To Participate Incentive Program
💥 Claim Staking Rewards
Convergence also doing a Bug Bounty Program
💫 reports a unique, previously unreported vulnerability
💫 keeps vulnerability confidential until its resolution by Convergence team
💫 Rewards will be paid out based on discovered vulnerabilities and level of difficulty in discovering these vulnerabilities.
ABOUT Convergence Finance
Convergence will be the first AMM to make real world asset exposure interchangeable in the DeFi space by connecting Wrapped Security Tokens (WSTs) with Utility Tokens on a single interface that is easy to use, adopt and composable with other DeFi protocols